Questions? Call us at 609-888-3074

Questions? Call us at 609-888-3074

Frequently Asked Questions


What times of the year can I rent an instrument with Russo Music?

Anytime that you want to, we offer monthly rates year-round and promotional rates during the back-to-school season.

Why am I being asked to provide my date of birth?

Inclusion of your date of birth is required as part of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In the unfortunate event an account is placed with an external collection agency, we are required to provide your date of birth as a means to identify the customer.

Why should I buy LPP?

As per your contract, while you are leasing from Russo Music your instrument is covered for routine maintenance (basic wear & tear and playability issues). Any damage to the instrument outside of routine maintenance is not covered, which means that any of the costs incurred for repair or replacement is the sole responsibility of the lessee, UNLESS you purchased the Liability Protection Plan (LPP). The LPP covers any accidental damage to the instrument that may occur (with the exception of any damage due to negligence or malicious behavior so please, no smashing). If you have the LPP and the instrument is damaged you will not be responsible for the repair or replacement cost of that instrument, however you will not be provided with an additional instrument. If another instrument is needed, you will have to submit a new rental contract. The LPP also covers instrument theft. If your rental instrument is stolen you would need to provide a police report within 72 hours of the incident and you would not be responsible for the cost of the stolen instrument. Much like if your instrument was damaged, you would have to submit a new contract for any additional instrument needed.

What happens after my initial lease expires?

After your initial lease expires, the contract will default to the standard monthly rate of the instrument, during which you will be accruing equity in your contract to be used in the event you decide to purchase the instrument. Customers may return their instrument at the end of their initial lease period in order to avoid monthly payments. Alternatively, you may take advantage of special offers provided at the end of the schoolyear. (See our 12-Month Extension.)

How is this a lease-to-own program?

The majority of each initial lease or monthly payment made is stored on your rental contract as equity you may use towards the purchase of the leased instrument. You are under no obligation to purchase the instrument, however equity on your account will continue to accrue in the event you wish to purchase the instrument. You do not pay extra for equity accrual in your contract, as it is part of our standard rental agreement. If you would like to explore purchasing options regarding your rental instrument, it is recommended that you contact the rental office directly so that they may assist you.

How do I build equity?

While you are under no obligation to purchase your leased instrument, when you lease from Russo Music, a portion of your initial lease and/or monthly payments may be applied towards purchase of the instrument, if you so choose. All initial and monthly payments, not counting optional Limited Liability Protection (LPP) or the $3 per month maintenance fee, will accrue as equity so long as the contract is not canceled or enroll in another introductory trial period.


How do I return my rental instrument if it was delivered to my child at their school?

Whenever you would like to return your rental instrument, you will need a Return Authorization Form (RA Form) sent to your email address. You can request these forms through our online portal. Once you receive the form, print it out and leave it sticking out of the instrument case prior to leaving it with the music teacher at the child’s respective school.
**Please Note: Instruments left without a return authorization form WILL NOT be picked up. If you do not request a Return Authorization form prior to leaving your rental instrument at your child’s school, our field representatives will not know that the instrument is supposed to be returned. This may result in the instrument being lost so please remember to get a Return Authorization form!

How do I return my rental instrument if I processed my application at one of your main locations?

If you processed your application at one of our main locations, either in Hamilton or Asbury Park, simply bring it back to the store and a representative will assist you in returning the instrument.

How do I return my rental instrument if I rented through one of Russo Music’s affiliate shops?

If you rented your rental instrument with us through one of our affiliate’s music shops, then you can simply return the instrument back to that respective store and the representatives will be able to assist you in returning the instrument.

I have returned the instrument to my child’s school before the end of schoolyear, but I just received a bill in the mail. Do I need to pay the balance?

Often times in June, statements will be sent out to rental customers prior to their physical instruments coming back to our warehouse and the contract being closed. We always suggest contacting our rental offices to make sure that your instrument was returned correctly.

12-Month Extensions

When I process a 12-month extension, does that include the liability protection plan?

Yes, liability protection insurance is included for the duration of the 12-Month Extension.

Do I have to turn in my instrument if I enroll in a 12-Month Extension?

No. Your 12-month extension covers the summer months as well as all of the following school year at a discounted rate, therefore you keep the instrument over the summer as well as next school year.

Repairs and Exchanges

How do I get my instrument fixed?

If you are having playability issues with your leased instrument and your student’s teacher feels that a repair is needed, please contact a Russo Music rental representative at or on our contact form . A rental representative will make arrangements for the instrument to be picked up from your child’s school and have a loaner instrument brought out so that they do not miss any practice time. As per your lease contract, all routine maintenance is covered. Please note: if you are in the Hamilton Township NJ School District all repairs should be brought to our Hamilton NJ location at 1989 Arena Drive, Hamilton NJ 08619.

How can I exchange my instrument?

There are a few situations that come up regarding exchanges:

  1. String Instrument Size Exchange
    If your child is playing a string instrument and they’ve been instructed by their teacher that they need the next larger size, please contact a Russo Music rental representative at, on our contact form or 609-888-3074 to arrange for the size exchange to be brought out to your child’s school on our next scheduled delivery date. Please have your child hand in their current instrument so that the teacher can assure that it is given to the Russo Music representative delivering the larger size.
  2. Playability Issues
    Occasionally your child’s teacher may feel that their instrument is having playability issues and needs to be exchanged. In some cases the teacher will reach out to Russo Music directly to facilitate the exchange; in the case of the teacher instructing the parent to contact Russo Music, please contact a rental representative at, on our contact form or 609-888-3074 to arrange for the exchange to be brought out to your child’s school on our next scheduled delivery date. Please have your child hand in their current instrument so that the teacher can assure that it is given to the Russo Music representative.
  3. Non-String Instrument Exchange
    If you lease an instrument for your child and it turns out that it is not a good fit, but they want to try something else, Russo Music will exchange the instrument for another instrument so long as you are within the first 12 months of your lease contract.
    1. Exchanging From A Less Expensive Price Group To A Higher Price Group
      Please keep in mind that if you are exchanging to an instrument in a higher price group (ex: exchanging from a flute to an alto sax) the difference would have to be paid prior to the exchange taking place. Also, keep in mind that exchanging from one instrument to another, regardless of price group, can only take place within the initial 12 months of your lease contract.
    2. Exchanging From A Higher Price Group To A Less Expensive Price Group
      What about if a customer exchanges down to a less expensive instrument? (Alto sax to a flute for example.) In the event of an exchange from a higher priced instrument to a lower priced instrument, we will adjust the upcoming monthly renewal price to reflect the new (lower priced) instrument. Equity accrued from the initial trial period will remain on the account. As with any other exchange (aside from size exchanges for string instruments or playability issues), exchanging from one instrument to another, regardless of price group, can only take place within the initial 12 months of your lease contract.

*Please note: if you are in the Hamilton Township NJ School District all exchanges need to be done at our Hamilton NJ location at 1989 Arena Drive, Hamilton NJ 08619.


What are my options at the end of the year?

At the end of the school year customers have the following options:

  1. Return The Instrument
    If your child will not be continuing to play and you want to return your leased instrument you may do so. We ask that you obtain a return authorization form to place with the instrument prior to turning in the instrument in to your child’s teacher. You can request a return authorization form by filling out the online form .
  2. 12-Month Extension
    Every June, customers are eligible for Russo Music’s 12-Month Extension offer. The promotion will extend your lease contract for one full calendar year (12 months) at a special discounted rate while continuing to accrue equity towards the purchase of your leased instrument. After your 12-month extension expires, your lease will default to standard monthly payments, during which the customer will continue to accrue equity.
  3. Purchase Your Instrument
    While leasing from Russo Music customers are entitled to an early payoff discount of 20% off of the remaining balance due on your contract. If you would like to purchase your instrument or discuss the current purchase options Russo Music provides, we recommend contacting our rental department so that they may further assist you.
  4. Monthly Payments
    As per your lease contract with Russo Music, at the end of your initial lease period Russo Music will bill the credit card which you provided for the appropriate corresponding monthly fee to continue your lease on a month-by-month basis.

Why should I rent when I can buy one for the same price?

Russo Music only leases top quality instruments provided by industry-trusted companies that are all approved by the educator. While it is entirely possible to find an inexpensive instrument on Ebay, there is a high probability that the instrument you are purchasing will require some maintenance in order to effectively perform for your child. Often times these repairs can be quite expensive and results limited due to the quality of the instrument. Please keep in mind that while you are leasing a rental instrument from Russo Music, all routine maintenance service is covered as part of your contract. When it comes to string instruments, another reason to rent instead of purchase is because it is likely that your child has not grown into the full size instrument yet. If you were to purchase anything but a full size instrument your child will inevitably outgrow it and you will need to either rent or purchase another instrument.

When can I start playing after I get my rental?

Do not attempt to assemble your instrument until you meet your teacher. Your teacher will instruct you on how to properly assemble your instrument without damaging it.

If my child decides to no longer play the instrument, can we return it and get a refund?

You are free to cancel your lease at any time, however there are no refunds for early termination of your rental lease.

If we cancel our lease, can we use our credit towards something else?

Once a contract is cancelled all equity is forfeited. You can transfer your equity from one instrument to another by exchanging the instrument within the first 12 months of your lease.

My initial lease is coming to its expiration, so I want to cancel it and sign up for another lease. How does that work?

You may cancel at any time however, the trial/promotional rate you received initially may not be available at this time. 10-month and 5- month trial periods are only offered to enroll during the months of August through November. There are benefits to maintaining your monthly rental and promotions to extend for 12-months are offered in June, email us at for more info.

I just finished my rental online. When will the instrument be delivered?

A Russo Music representative is scheduled to visit each school district at least once per week. Once your order is processed the order is set up for delivery for the next delivery date for your child’s school. That being said, depending on the day you place your order and the day we are scheduled to visit your child’s school your instrument will be delivered within a 7 day period. For example, if you placed your order on a Tuesday and your child’s school is scheduled for Thursday delivery, your instrument should be delivered in two days. However, if you were to place your order on Thursday and your child’s school is scheduled for Thursday, your delivery will not take place until the following Thursday. During the start of the school year, especially in September/October, the volume of instruments going out to school districts increases significantly, sometimes resulting in deliveries getting pushed back a few days. Please keep in mind that if you need you instrument sooner than we are able to deliver, you are always free to visit either Russo Music locations in Hamilton NJ or Asbury Park NJ as well as one of our many affiliate locations.

Why should I keep my instrument after the school year ends?

The best reason to keep your instrument after the school year ends is to keep practicing in preparation for the next school year. Also, it is a great benefit to the student if they are able to take private lessons over the summer as additional preparation. See question “What are my options at the end of the year?” for details on your options for continuing to lease after the school year ends.

Why can't I log-in to my account?

We can assist you with issues regarding your account. Email us at

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